Class Collector
LUCENENET specific class used to hold the NewAnonymous(Action<Scorer>, Action<Int32>, Action<AtomicReaderContext>, Func<Boolean>) static method.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net.dll
public static class Collector
| Improve this Doc View SourceNewAnonymous(Action<Scorer>, Action<Int32>, Action<AtomicReaderContext>, Func<Boolean>)
Creates a new instance with the ability to specify the body of the SetScorer(Scorer)
method through the setScorer
parameter, the body of the Collect(Int32)
method through the collect
parameter, the body of the SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext)
method through the setNextReader
parameter, and the body of the AcceptsDocsOutOfOrder
property through the acceptsDocsOutOfOrder
Simple example:
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
OpenBitSet bits = new OpenBitSet(indexReader.MaxDoc);
int docBase;
Collector.NewAnonymous(setScorer: (scorer) =>
// ignore scorer
}, collect: (doc) =>
bits.Set(doc + docBase);
}, setNextReader: (context) =>
docBase = context.DocBase;
}, acceptsDocsOutOfOrder: () =>
return true;
public static ICollector NewAnonymous(Action<Scorer> setScorer, Action<int> collect, Action<AtomicReaderContext> setNextReader, Func<bool> acceptsDocsOutOfOrder)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Action<Scorer> | setScorer | A delegate method that represents (is called by) the SetScorer(Scorer) method. It accepts a Scorer scorer and has no return value. |
System.Action<System.Int32> | collect | A delegate method that represents (is called by) the Collect(Int32) method. It accepts an System.Int32 doc and has no return value. |
System.Action<AtomicReaderContext> | setNextReader | A delegate method that represents (is called by) the SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext) method. It accepts a AtomicReaderContext context and has no return value. |
System.Func<System.Boolean> | acceptsDocsOutOfOrder | A delegate method that represents (is called by) the AcceptsDocsOutOfOrder property. It returns a System.Boolean value. |
Type | Description |
ICollector | A new Lucene.Net.Search.Collector.AnonymousCollector instance. |