Namespace Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.DocValues
FunctionValues for different data types.
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving bool values. Implementations can control how the bool values are loaded through BoolVal(int)
Serves as base class for FunctionValues based on DocTermsIndex.
This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
Custom Exception to be thrown when the DocTermsIndex for a field cannot be generated
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving double values. Implementations can control how the double values are loaded through DoubleVal(int)
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving int values. Implementations can control how the int values are loaded through Int32Val(int)
NOTE: This was IntDocValues in LuceneInt64DocValues
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving long values. Implementations can control how the long values are loaded through Int64Val(int)
NOTE: This was LongDocValues in LuceneSingleDocValues
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving float values. Implementations can control how the float values are loaded through SingleVal(int)
NOTE: This was FloatDocValues in LuceneStrDocValues
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving string values. Implementations can control how the string values are loaded through StrVal(int)