Namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Flexible.Standard.Config
Standard Lucene Query Configuration.
Standard Lucene Query Configuration
The namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Flexible.Standard.Config contains the Lucene query configuration handler (StandardQueryConfigHandler). This configuration handler reproduces almost everything that could be set on the old query parser.
StandardQueryConfigHandler is the class that should be used to configure the StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline.
Class holding keys for StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline options.
This listener listens for every field configuration request and assign a BOOST to the equivalent FieldConfig based on a defined map: fieldName -> boostValue stored in FIELD_BOOST_MAP.
This listener listens for every field configuration request and assign a DATE_RESOLUTION to the equivalent FieldConfig based on a defined map: fieldName -> Lucene.Net.Documents.DateTools.Resolution stored in FIELD_DATE_RESOLUTION_MAP.
Configuration parameters for Lucene.Net.Search.FuzzyQuerys
This Lucene.Net.Util.NumberFormat parses System.Int64 into date strings and vice-versa. It
uses the given dateFormat
and System.Globalization.CultureInfo to parse and format dates, but before, it
converts System.Int64 to System.DateTime objects or vice-versa.
Note that the System.Int64 value the dates are parsed into and out of represent the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00, also known as the "epoch".
This class holds the configuration used to parse numeric queries and create Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuerys.
This listener is used to listen to FieldConfig requests in QueryConfigHandler and add NUMERIC_CONFIG based on the NUMERIC_CONFIG_MAP set in the QueryConfigHandler.
This query configuration handler is used for almost every processor defined in the StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline processor pipeline. It holds configuration methods that reproduce the configuration methods that could be set on the old lucene 2.4 QueryParser class.
LUCENENET specific enum for mimicking the Java DateFormat
Boolean Operator: AND or OR