Namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Flexible.Core.Parser
Necessary interfaces to implement text parsers.
The namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Flexible.Core.Parser contains interfaces that should be implemented by the parsers. Parsers produce IQueryNode Trees from a string object. This package still needs some work to add support to for multiple parsers. Features that should be supported for the future, related with the parser:
- QueryNode tree should be able convertible to any parser syntax.
- The query syntax should support calling other parsers. - QueryNode tree created by multiple parsers.
A parser needs to implement IEscapeQuerySyntax to allow the IQueryNode to escape the queries, when the ToQueryString method is called.
A parser needs to implement ISyntaxParser interface
Type of escaping: String for escaping syntax, NORMAL for escaping reserved words (like AND) in terms