Namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Flexible.Standard.Nodes
Standard Lucene Query Nodes.
Standard Lucene Query Nodes
The package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.nodes contains QueryNode classes that are used specifically for Lucene query node tree. Any other generic QueryNode is defined under org.apache.lucene.queryParser.nodes.
This class should be extended by nodes intending to represent range queries.
A BooleanModifierNode has the same behaviour as ModifierQueryNode, it only indicates that this modifier was added by GroupQueryNodeProcessor and not by the user.
A MultiPhraseQueryNode indicates that its children should be used to build a MultiPhraseQuery instead of PhraseQuery.
This query node represents a field query that holds a numeric value. It is similar to FieldQueryNode, however the Value returns an System.Object representing a .NET numeric type.
This query node represents a range query composed by NumericQueryNode bounds, which means the bound values are System.Objects representing a .NET numeric type.
A PrefixWildcardQueryNode represents wildcardquery that matches abc* or *. This does not apply to phrases, this is a special case on the original lucene parser. TODO: refactor the code to remove this special case from the parser. and probably do it on a Processor
A RegexpQueryNode represents RegexpQuery query Examples: /[a-z]|[0-9]/
A StandardBooleanQueryNode has the same behavior as BooleanQueryNode. It only indicates if the coord should be enabled or not for this boolean query.
This query node represents a range query composed by FieldQueryNode bounds, which means the bound values are strings.
A WildcardQueryNode represents wildcard query This does not apply to phrases. Examples: abc Fl?w? m?ke*g
LUCENENET specific interface used to identify an AbstractRangeQueryNode without referring to its generic closing type