Set the position increment. This determines the position of this token relative to the previous Token in a {@link TokenStream}, used in phrase searching.

The default value is one.

Some common uses for this are:

  • Set it to zero to put multiple terms in the same position. This is useful if, e.g., a word has multiple stems. Searches for phrases including either stem will match. In this case, all but the first stem's increment should be set to zero: the increment of the first instance should be one. Repeating a token with an increment of zero can also be used to boost the scores of matches on that token.
  • Set it to values greater than one to inhibit exact phrase matches. If, for example, one does not want phrases to match across removed stop words, then one could build a stop word filter that removes stop words and also sets the increment to the number of stop words removed before each non-stop word. Then exact phrase queries will only match when the terms occur with no intervening stop words.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Analysis
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public virtual void SetPositionIncrement(
	int positionIncrement
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Sub SetPositionIncrement ( _
	positionIncrement As Integer _
Visual C++
virtual void SetPositionIncrement(
	int positionIncrement


Type: System..::..Int32
the distance from the prior term



See Also