Sets the maximum chunk size (default is {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} for 64 bit JVMs and 256 MiBytes for 32 bit JVMs) used for memory mapping. Especially on 32 bit platform, the address space can be very fragmented, so large index files cannot be mapped. Using a lower chunk size makes the directory implementation a little bit slower (as the correct chunk must be resolved on each seek) but the chance is higher that mmap does not fail. On 64 bit Java platforms, this parameter should always be {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, as the adress space is big enough.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Store
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public virtual void SetMaxChunkSize(
	int maxBBuf
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Sub SetMaxChunkSize ( _
	maxBBuf As Integer _
Visual C++
virtual void SetMaxChunkSize(
	int maxBBuf


Type: System..::..Int32

[Missing <param name="maxBBuf"/> documentation for "M:Lucene.Net.Store.MMapDirectory.SetMaxChunkSize(System.Int32)"]

See Also