Set the timer resolution. The default timer resolution is 20 milliseconds. This means that a search required to take no longer than 800 milliseconds may be stopped after 780 to 820 milliseconds.
Note that:
  • Finer (smaller) resolution is more accurate but less efficient.
  • Setting resolution to less than 5 milliseconds will be silently modified to 5 milliseconds.
  • Setting resolution smaller than current resolution might take effect only after current resolution. (Assume current resolution of 20 milliseconds is modified to 5 milliseconds, then it can take up to 20 milliseconds for the change to have effect.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public static void SetResolution(
	uint newResolution
Visual Basic
Public Shared Sub SetResolution ( _
	newResolution As UInteger _
Visual C++
static void SetResolution(
	unsigned int newResolution


Type: System..::..UInt32

[Missing <param name="newResolution"/> documentation for "M:Lucene.Net.Search.TimeLimitingCollector.SetResolution(System.UInt32)"]

See Also