The MoreLikeThis type exposes the following members.


Public methodDescribeParams
Describe the parameters that control how the "more like this" query is formed.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAnalyzer
Returns an analyzer that will be used to parse source doc with. The default analyzer is the {@link #DEFAULT_ANALYZER}.
Public methodGetFieldNames
Returns the field names that will be used when generating the 'More Like This' query. The default field names that will be used is {@link #DEFAULT_FIELD_NAMES}.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaxNumTokensParsed
Public methodGetMaxQueryTerms
Returns the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_TERMS}.
Public methodGetMaxWordLen
Returns the maximum word length above which words will be ignored. Set this to 0 for no maximum word length. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_LENGTH}.
Public methodGetMinDocFreq
Returns the frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docs. The default frequency is {@link #DEFALT_MIN_DOC_FREQ}.
Public methodGetMinTermFreq
Returns the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source doc. The default frequency is the {@link #DEFAULT_MIN_TERM_FREQ}.
Public methodGetMinWordLen
Returns the minimum word length below which words will be ignored. Set this to 0 for no minimum word length. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LENGTH}.
Public methodGetStopWords
Get the current stop words being used.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsBoost
Returns whether to boost terms in query based on "score" or not. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_BOOST}.
Public methodLike(Int32)
Return a query that will return docs like the passed lucene document ID.
Public methodLike(FileInfo)
Return a query that will return docs like the passed file.
Public methodLike(Stream)
Return a query that will return docs like the passed stream.
Public methodLike(StreamReader)
Return a query that will return docs like the passed Reader.
Public methodLike(Uri)
Return a query that will return docs like the passed URL.
Public methodStatic memberMain
Test driver. Pass in "-i INDEX" and then either "-fn FILE" or "-url URL".
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRetrieveInterestingTerms
Convenience routine to make it easy to return the most interesting words in a document. More advanced users will call {@link #RetrieveTerms( retrieveTerms()} directly.
Public methodRetrieveTerms
Public methodSetAnalyzer
Sets the analyzer to use. An analyzer is not required for generating a query with the {@link #Like(int)} method, all other 'like' methods require an analyzer.
Public methodSetBoost
Sets whether to boost terms in query based on "score" or not.
Public methodSetFieldNames
Sets the field names that will be used when generating the 'More Like This' query. Set this to null for the field names to be determined at runtime from the IndexReader provided in the constructor.
Public methodSetMaxNumTokensParsed
Public methodSetMaxQueryTerms
Sets the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query.
Public methodSetMaxWordLen
Sets the maximum word length above which words will be ignored.
Public methodSetMinDocFreq
Sets the frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docs.
Public methodSetMinTermFreq
Sets the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source doc.
Public methodSetMinWordLen
Sets the minimum word length below which words will be ignored.
Public methodSetStopWords
Set the set of stopwords. Any word in this set is considered "uninteresting" and ignored. Even if your Analyzer allows stopwords, you might want to tell the MoreLikeThis code to ignore them, as for the purposes of document similarity it seems reasonable to assume that "a stop word is never interesting".
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

See Also