Title: ChineseFilter Description: Filter with a stop word table Rule: No digital is allowed. English word/token should larger than 1 character. One Chinese character as one Chinese word. TO DO: 1. Add Chinese stop words, such as \ue400 2. Dictionary based Chinese word extraction 3. Intelligent Chinese word extraction Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: Yiyi Sun$Id: ChineseFilter.java, v 1.4 2003/01/23 12:49:33 ehatcher Exp $

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Analysis.Cn
Assembly: Lucene.Net.Contrib.Analyzers (in Lucene.Net.Contrib.Analyzers.dll) Version: (


public sealed class ChineseFilter : TokenFilter
Visual Basic
Public NotInheritable Class ChineseFilter _
	Inherits TokenFilter
Visual C++
public ref class ChineseFilter sealed : public TokenFilter

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also