EXPERT: Generates an array of CacheEntry objects representing all items currently in the FieldCache.

NOTE: These CacheEntry objects maintain a strong refrence to the Cached Values. Maintaining refrences to a CacheEntry the IndexReader associated with it has garbage collected will prevent the Value itself from being garbage collected when the Cache drops the WeakRefrence.

EXPERIMENTAL API: This API is considered extremely advanced and experimental. It may be removed or altered w/o warning in future releases of Lucene.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


CacheEntry[] GetCacheEntries()
Visual Basic
Function GetCacheEntries As CacheEntry()
Visual C++
array<CacheEntry^>^ GetCacheEntries()

Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Lucene.Net.Search.FieldCache.GetCacheEntries"]

See Also