A Filter that restricts search results to a range of values in a given field.

This filter matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the supplied range according to {@link String#compareTo(String)}. It is not intended for numerical ranges, use {@link NumericRangeFilter} instead.

If you construct a large number of range filters with different ranges but on the same field, {@link FieldCacheRangeFilter} may have significantly better performance.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("Use TermRangeFilter for term ranges or NumericRangeFilter for numeric ranges instead. This class will be removed in Lucene 3.0")]
public class RangeFilter : MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter
Visual Basic
<SerializableAttribute> _
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use TermRangeFilter for term ranges or NumericRangeFilter for numeric ranges instead. This class will be removed in Lucene 3.0")> _
Public Class RangeFilter _
	Inherits MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use TermRangeFilter for term ranges or NumericRangeFilter for numeric ranges instead. This class will be removed in Lucene 3.0")]
public ref class RangeFilter : public MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also