[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Lucene.Net.Analysis.Fr"]


Public classFrenchAnalyzer
Analyzer for french language. Supports an external list of stopwords (words that will not be indexed at all) and an external list of exclusions (word that will not be stemmed, but indexed). A default set of stopwords is used unless an other list is specified, the exclusionlist is empty by default. Patrick Talbot (based on Gerhard Schwarz work for German)$Id: FrenchAnalyzer.java,v 1.9 2004/10/17 11:41:40 dnaber Exp $
Public classFrenchStemFilter
A filter that stemms french words. It supports a table of words that should not be stemmed at all. The used stemmer can be changed at runtime after the filter object is created (as long as it is a FrenchStemmer). Patrick Talbot (based on Gerhard Schwarz work for German)$Id: FrenchAnalyzer.java,v 1.2 2004/01/23 20:54:47 ehatcher Exp $
Public classFrenchStemmer
A stemmer for French words. The algorithm is based on the work of Dr Martin Porter on his snowball project
refer to http://snowball.sourceforge.net/french/stemmer.html
(French stemming algorithm) for details Patrick Talbot (based on Gerhard Schwarz work for German)$Id: FrenchStemmer.java,v 1.2 2004/01/22 20:54:47 ehatcher Exp $