Expert: represents a single commit into an index as seen by the {@link IndexDeletionPolicy} or {@link IndexReader}.

Changes to the content of an index are made visible only after the writer who made that change commits by writing a new segments file (

). This point in time, when the action of writing of a new segments file to the directory is completed, is an index commit.

Each index commit point has a unique segments file associated with it. The segments file associated with a later index commit point would have a larger N.

WARNING: This API is a new and experimental and may suddenly change.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Index
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public abstract class IndexCommit : IndexCommitPoint
Visual Basic
Public MustInherit Class IndexCommit _
	Implements IndexCommitPoint
Visual C++
public ref class IndexCommit abstract : IndexCommitPoint

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also