Expert: Set the state of the flag that disables fakes norms in favor of representing the absence of field norms with null.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Index
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


[ObsoleteAttribute("This currently defaults to false (to remain back-compatible), but in 3.0 it will be hardwired to true, meaning the norms() methods will return null for fields that had disabled norms.")]
public virtual void SetDisableFakeNorms(
	bool disableFakeNorms
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("This currently defaults to false (to remain back-compatible), but in 3.0 it will be hardwired to true, meaning the norms() methods will return null for fields that had disabled norms.")> _
Public Overridable Sub SetDisableFakeNorms ( _
	disableFakeNorms As Boolean _
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"This currently defaults to false (to remain back-compatible), but in 3.0 it will be hardwired to true, meaning the norms() methods will return null for fields that had disabled norms.")]
virtual void SetDisableFakeNorms(
	bool disableFakeNorms


Type: System..::..Boolean
true to disable fake norms, false to preserve the legacy behavior

See Also