The Document type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd

Adds a field to a document. Several fields may be added with the same name. In this case, if the fields are indexed, their text is treated as though appended for the purposes of search.

Note that add like the removeField(s) methods only makes sense prior to adding a document to an index. These methods cannot be used to change the content of an existing index! In order to achieve this, a document has to be deleted from an index and a new changed version of that document has to be added.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFields Obsolete.
Returns an Enumeration of all the fields in a document.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet
Returns the string value of the field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null. If multiple fields exist with this name, this method returns the first value added. If only binary fields with this name exist, returns null.
Public methodGetBinaryValue
Returns an array of bytes for the first (or only) field that has the name specified as the method parameter. This method will return
if no binary fields with the specified name are available. There may be non-binary fields with the same name.
Public methodGetBinaryValues
Returns an array of byte arrays for of the fields that have the name specified as the method parameter. This method returns an empty array when there are no matching fields. It never returns null.
Public methodGetBoost
Returns, at indexing time, the boost factor as set by {@link #SetBoost(float)}.

Note that once a document is indexed this value is no longer available from the index. At search time, for retrieved documents, this method always returns 1. This however does not mean that the boost value set at indexing time was ignored - it was just combined with other indexing time factors and stored elsewhere, for better indexing and search performance. (For more information see the "norm(t,d)" part of the scoring formula in {@link Lucene.Net.Search.Similarity Similarity}.)

Public methodGetField
Returns a field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null. If multiple fields exists with this name, this method returns the first value added. Do not use this method with lazy loaded fields.
Public methodGetFieldable
Returns a field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null. If multiple fields exists with this name, this method returns the first value added.
Public methodGetFieldables
Returns an array of {@link Fieldable}s with the given name. This method returns an empty array when there are no matching fields. It never returns null.
Public methodGetFields()()()()
Returns a List of all the fields in a document.

Note that fields which are not {@link Fieldable#IsStored() stored} are not available in documents retrieved from the index, e.g. {@link Searcher#Doc(int)} or {@link IndexReader#Document(int)}.

Public methodGetFields(String)
Returns an array of {@link Field}s with the given name. Do not use with lazy loaded fields. This method returns an empty array when there are no matching fields. It never returns null.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValues
Returns an array of values of the field specified as the method parameter. This method returns an empty array when there are no matching fields. It never returns null.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveField

Removes field with the specified name from the document. If multiple fields exist with this name, this method removes the first field that has been added. If there is no field with the specified name, the document remains unchanged.

Note that the removeField(s) methods like the add method only make sense prior to adding a document to an index. These methods cannot be used to change the content of an existing index! In order to achieve this, a document has to be deleted from an index and a new changed version of that document has to be added.

Public methodRemoveFields

Removes all fields with the given name from the document. If there is no field with the specified name, the document remains unchanged.

Note that the removeField(s) methods like the add method only make sense prior to adding a document to an index. These methods cannot be used to change the content of an existing index! In order to achieve this, a document has to be deleted from an index and a new changed version of that document has to be added.

Public methodSetBoost
Sets a boost factor for hits on any field of this document. This value will be multiplied into the score of all hits on this document.

The default value is 1.0.

Values are multiplied into the value of {@link Fieldable#GetBoost()} of each field in this document. Thus, this method in effect sets a default boost for the fields of this document.

Public methodToString
Prints the fields of a document for human consumption.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)

See Also