[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Lucene.Net.Analysis.Ext"]


Public classLetterOrDigitTokenizer
if a char is not a letter or digit, it is a word separator
Public classSingleCharTokenAnalyzer
This analyzer targets short fields where *word* like searches are required. [SomeUser@GMAIL.com 1234567890] will be tokenized as [s.o.m.e.u.s.e.r..g.m.a.i.l..com..] (read .'s as blank) Usage: QueryParser p = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, "fieldName", new SingleCharTokenAnalyzer()); p.SetDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); p.SetEnablePositionIncrements(true); TopDocs td = src.Search(p.Parse("678"), 10); or TopDocs td = src.Search(p.Parse("\"gmail.com 1234\""), 10);
Public classUnaccentedWordAnalyzer
Another Analyzer. Every char which is not a letter or digit is treated as a word separator. [Name.Surname@gmail.com 123.456 ğüşıöç%ĞÜŞİÖÇ$ΑΒΓΔΕΖ#АБВГДЕ SSß] will be tokenized as [name surname gmail com 123 456 gusioc gusioc αβγδεζ абвгде ssss] No problem with searches like someuser@gmail or 123.456 since they are converted to phrase-query as "someuser gmail" or "123 456".