Specifies a minimum number of the optional BooleanClauses which must be satisfied.

By default no optional clauses are necessary for a match (unless there are no required clauses). If this method is used, then the specified number of clauses is required.

Use of this method is totally independent of specifying that any specific clauses are required (or prohibited). This number will only be compared against the number of matching optional clauses.

EXPERT NOTE: Using this method may force collecting docs in order, regardless of whether setAllowDocsOutOfOrder(true) has been called.

Namespace: Lucene.Net.Search
Assembly: Lucene.Net (in Lucene.Net.dll) Version:


public virtual void SetMinimumNumberShouldMatch(
	int min
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Sub SetMinimumNumberShouldMatch ( _
	min As Integer _
Visual C++
virtual void SetMinimumNumberShouldMatch(
	int min


Type: System..::..Int32
the number of optional clauses that must match

See Also